September 2, 2008

b is for beautiful...

i have been spending a lot of time with a very beautiful person.
a person who is never negative, or selfish, or unkind to me.

at night we lye on our backs, stare up at the ceiling, and talk about our lives...
all the places we've seen, the people we've met, and moments we hold onto that help define who we are... i tell him about my adventures overseas, stories of my father, and growing up with a crazy arabic mother. i show him my polaroids and he holds my hand. he tells me stories of his childhood, about being on the road for 3 years, and i believe his skin isthe softest i ever touched in the entire world...

and then for some unmistakable reason we start to laugh. we laugh and laugh until our faces hurt... why? i can't even begin to say. maybe it's because i've said something stupid, maybe it's because our legs have tangled themselves together in a complicated knot and his icy feet tickle the backs of my calves, or maybe it's because we are happy in this moment in time...

either way our time together has been amazing, and i find my self fortunate to know such a beautiful person.


  1. beautiful indeed! Enjoy

  2. still waiting for you to top this one:
